The Clean Air Programme is aimed at enabling Polish people to replace an ineffective solid fuel heat source with a new and eco-friendly heating unit. Moreover, you can use the subsidy for thermal insulation, replacement of windows and doors, as well as installation of a photovoltaic system!

Since 2023, the income thresholds will be as follows:

  • basic subsidy – income threshold PLN 135,000/year
  • increased subsidy – increased to PLN 1,894 in a multiple person household, increased to PLN 2,651 in a single person household.
  • highest subsidy – the income threshold is PLN 1,090 per person in a multiple person household and PLN 1,526 in a single person household.

For the application to be approved, it is required to append it with an income certificate issued by the gmina. An alternative to the highest subsidy level is a permanent, periodical, family or special attendance benefit right confirmation.

Clean Air 3.0 vs thermal insulation and joinery replacement

There is no cost limit for the thermal upgrading of a building. Only the intensity is specified, which is the percentage of the net costs incurred to be co-funded. How much can you get for thermal insulation and joinery replacement?

Basic subsidy level

  • 50% – thermal insulation of wall barriers,
  • 40% – window and doors as well as garage doors.

Increased subsidy level

  • 75% – thermal insulation of wall barriers
  • 70% – windows and doors as well as garage doors

The highest subsidy level

  • 100% – thermal insulation of wall barriers, window and doors as well as garage doors.

Subsidy conditions

The basic requirements for the investors planning to apply for subsidy from the Clean Air Programme.

  • you have to be the owner or co-owner of a single family house and meet the income ranges
    after the completion of projects in the house
    • a non-effective heat source cannot be operated, even if the subsidy was only used for the thermal insulation of the building
    • the selected equipment must meet the requirements specified in the rules – they should be verified before the completion of the investment

Filing applications under the Clean Air Programme

Applications under the programme can be filed electronically or in paper form, to the appropriate Voivoideship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (wfośigw). You can also do it at the gmina office, if the local government has signed an agreement with the fund. It is worth knowing that already more than 2100 gminas have an agreement under the Clean Air Programme. The applications are processed by the above-mentioned fund (wfośigw).

In the new programme edition, applications can be filed from 3 January 2023. The applications can be filed before, after or during the completion of the project. However, it should be remembered that the first application is for the subsidy and the second application is for the payment.

If you have doubts related to any stage of the application process, you can find assistance at the gmina office. You can also call the Clean Air Programme hotline, +48 22 340 40 80, to contact energy consultants and obtain answers to questions about the programme.

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